Memorial Weekend Sound Garden
A new Madeline Island “Sound Garden” will combine Art + Nature in a unique, immersive, self-guided experience over Memorial Day Weekend, 2023. Free and Family-Friendly.
Minneapolis-based composer / director JG Everest comes to LaPointe for a 2-week Artist Residency to compose and design a new site-specific sound + performance installation, an immersive “Sound Garden” for the wooded memorial garden space behind the Madeline Island Library. Premiere performances will take place for two days over Memorial Day Weekend, Sat May 27 from 12-4:30pm and Sun May 28 from 11am-3:30pm. This new Sound Garden will include a temporary sound installation of 50+ speakers, each playing a different part of the whole piece of music, spread throughout the outdoor space, with live musical accompaniment by members of the Free Range Orchestra, and embedded poetry, visual art, and storytelling contributed by a variety of artists, including members of the local Madeline Island community.
Sound Gardens are intended to be self-guided; explored and experienced by standing / sitting still or quietly moving through and listening, noticing. They are intended as reflective, contemplative experiences for everyone involved. It is durational and layered without fixed focal points, allowing for spontaneous intersections and subtle unfolding, and its effects are felt and experienced more deeply over time.