Mooningwanaakaning Treaty Days with the La Pointe Center
Come celebrate Treaty Days with the La Pointe Center!
Art Gallery: Indigenous Art Show, featuring the works of Frank Montano, Carol DeMain, Dennis and Cleo White, Roberta DeCora, Martin Curry, and Beth Paap. In front of the Gallery is the first Dugout Canoe to be produced here since 1854, Gitchigaming Manitowid: "In the spirit of Lake Superior," part of a project funded to Paul DeMain.
Friday, September 30
10:30 AM: Statement Made by the Indians 1864: Treaties, Sovereignty, and Language @La Pointe Public School. Michael Migizi Sullivan, Sr. PhD. (Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University, NAS Faculty Director)
4 PM: Dedication of the canoe at the Gallery.
All weekend at the Ball Park
Artisan trading market, exhibitions, lacrosse games and a Saturday ongoing open stage.
For a full schedule of the celebration, visit