Friends of the Madeline Island Museum

  • Museum/Historical Sites
Friends of the Madeline Island Museum
Box 525
LaPointe, WI 54850
(651) 303-1593

About Us

Supporting the Museum’s Mission to Preserve and Tell Island Stories

We are an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, incorporated in the State of Wisconsin.
The Madeline Island Museum is owned read more
  • About

    Supporting the Museum’s Mission to Preserve and Tell Island Stories

    We are an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, incorporated in the State of Wisconsin.
    The Madeline Island Museum is owned and managed by the Wisconsin State Historical Society.

    How the Friends Support the Museum
    - Expand awareness of the museum and its programs
    - Offer volunteer support
    - Raise funds to enhance the museum’s offerings
    - Advocate for the well-being of the museum

    We also enjoy sharing knowledge of Island history in informal tours and talks. Come join us. Donate and become a member now!

  • Media

  • Member Events

    Wednesday Aug 21, 2024
    Wednesday Evening at the Museum. Free and Open to the Public! Marina Lachecki will provide an historical view of the relationship between Protestant and Catholi more